Alan - Rigger - L1
Specialist: Sky91
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03.2020-04.2020: Offshore Platform UK
- RA rigger
- PA duties for Global Resources Maintenance Team
- Various repair workscopes throughout the CAP&CPP
- RA rigger
- Upgrade Workscope
- Assisting with platform turbine upgrade
- Rigger
- Shutdown/ Turnaround of industrial object
- Removal/ reinstallation of machinery and components
- Slinging loads and banking 250 tonne mobile crane
- Safe use of all lifting equiptment and accessories
- RA rigger
- Major overhaul of gas turbine
- Installation of lifting beam
- Pre rigging for various lifts, removal of pipework
- RA rigger
- Installation of structural supports on pipe deck walkway
- Installation of temporary chocks on risers
- Outboard RA workscopes
- RA rigger
- Rigging operations during FPS Outage
- Removal/ reinstallation of various valves / PSVs
- Safe use of lifting equipment
- RA rigger
- Installation of Smart Shims onf platform risers
- Outboard RA rigging workscope
- RA rigger
- Removal of all obstructing steel/ pipework from platform legs
- Outboard RA rigging workscope
- Offshore Wind Farm Rigger
- Installation of cables, cable pull ins from vessel to wind turbine towers and OSS
- Pre/ De rig of wind turbine towers, Cable Stripping, Hang off installs
- RA rigger
- RA rigging work on construction phase
- Assist Aker Solutions with rigging work at height
- Removal of 20 tonne sections of transport steel work
- RA rigger
- RA rigging workscope on platform crane
- Rigger
- Installation of Subsea array cables into wind turbine towers and offshore substation platforms
- Rigger
- Installation of Subsea array cables into wind turbine towers and offshore substation platform
- Pre/ de rig of wind turbine towers, Cable Stripping, Hang off installs
- Beach Export Cable Pull
- Mob up all barges&pontoons ahead of export cable pull
- Preparation of all rigging and lifting equiptment and accessories
- RA rigger
- Outboard RA workscope removing 12 metre weather damaged scaffold tower
- RA rigger
- Installation of all rigging equiptment ahead of platform shutdown
- Assist Enermech removal and reinstallation of various valves and pipe spools
- Satellite rig Decommissioning Project
- Removal of underdeck scaffolding and loose objects ahead of topside removal from jacket
- DROPS Surveys
- Outboard RA workscope
- Rigger
- Various rigging and heavy lifting operation with use of cranes upto 500 tonnes
- RA rigger
- RA rigging workscopes as part of platform shutdown
- Removal/ re installation of DBR Pipe work, valves and spools
- RA rigger
- Destruct of existing crane ganrty platforms
- Modification of installation of new platforms on CAP Crane
- RA rigging work at height of 50+ metres
- RA rigger
- RA rigging workscopes during construction and commissioning of platform
- RA rigger
- Outboard RA rigging project-removing 11 x 14 tonne Barge Bumpers from various locations on platform jacket
- Rigger
- Installation of supporting steelwork for new bridge
- Destruct and removal of 36 inch tube bundles
- General rigging and lifting operations in accordance to platform requirements
- RA rigger - decommissioning Project
- Removal of Cassion and other obstructions from platform legs ahaed of final decommissioning lift
- Rigging and lifting operations
- Ship refits and overhauls
- Rigging on all parts of ships incl. propellor and shaft, removal reinstallation, removal of rudders, pipework, valves etc.
- Rigger
- Assisting platform with rigging and lifting operations as part of scheduled platform shutdown
- Removal / re installation on valves pipe spools etc/
- Rigger
- Pre rigging of lifting equipment prior to platform shutdown, removal/ replacement of valves and pipework, safe use of all lifting equipment and accessories
- Pipeline replacement project
- Removal/ Replacement of 4,5 km of 36 inch crude oil import pipeline from offshore pipeline and PLEM to beach
- Assist in installation of steel piles and rollers for pipe pulling operations
- Mob/ demob all barges and pontoons with various loads of equipment for project
- Destruct existing pipeling
- Construction of artificial Island
- Construction of flight deck and accommodation platforms
- Construction of flight deck and accommodation platforms
- Foreman Tower Team during Wind Farm construction
- In charge of subsea array cable pullins from vessel deck into wind turbine towers and offshore substation platform
- Tekmar CPS installations and activations,
- Rigger
- Part of tower teams installing subsea array cables into wind turbine towers and offshore sustations
- Messenger wire installations
- Pre and derig of all towers
- Mini ROV surveys
- Hang off clam installation
- Rigger on Offshore Wind Farm construction
- 1st and 2nd end cable pull ins
- Deck operations assisting divers with subsea workscopes
- Concrete Materess Laying
- Installation of cable quadrants on offshore substations
- IRATA certificate L1
- NVQ Level 3 Rigger
- OPITO Stage 4 Rigger
- UGUK Medical
- CCNSG Safety Passport
- Yellow Fever Vaccination
- English
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- +31 (0) 183 73 3100
Kolk 26
4241 TJ Arkel -
KvK: 73649457